The Dilemmas of Adulthood
There are so many things that come with adulthood, and one is the need to learn more about Islam, or more specifically, the Quran and the Islamic way of life. We encapsulate ourselves with so many responsibilities in life that sometimes we forget that we are also our own priority. Sit alone for some time and give time only for yourself… A “MeTIME”...
We are often so busy with our jobs, we forget the need to fulfill our responsibilities as Muslims. We forget to feed our souls.
Age is just a number
Everybody has their own reservations and uncertainty about their age. You might think, “Is this an appropriate age for me to start learning Quran?”. We say, Why Not?
We are living in times where octogenarians are pursuing education, banishing all the taboos and barriers of society. If they can do it, then you also can! Age is just a number. We must never underestimate ourselves!
Can I Learn?
When we think of starting something, we are always apprehensive about it. It doesn't go away until you have begun, trust us! Learning the Quran the proper way is necessary.
You might not consider learning in a group of people. It may be because you are shy and yet want to learn Quran. Or you don't have any reason not to study in a group. That is totally your decision.
You have your own work commitments that you have to attend to. And making time for group studies is not easy. So why not consider learning it on your own schedule alone with a teacher?
Self-doubt is common with everyone. And it is very natural to feel that you can't do something you have never done before. But, you must believe in yourself and your abilities. It's not like your brain is all rusted and you can't read now! It just needs a little push, or tinkering is needed to bring it back. And once you are on the path of learning, you will find that your mind is set free and you will be able to learn.
Learning the Quran is no different. You have the resources and the means to study. That is all you need. We are here to help you learn on your own.
Tadris Courses
We, at Tadris, provide one-on-one online classes at your time, in your place and you can learn at your own pace!
Contact Us for more information.